By Nosa Ekhator. Benin.

The National Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) on Friday night confirmed the death of two patients of coronavirus in Lagos and Edo State . 

NCDC also confirmed 20 new cases of the disease, making the total cases to 210, stating that
“Two new deaths have been recorded in Lagos and Edo State."

The National Association of Resident Doctors (NARD) University of Benin Teaching Hospital (UBTH)  branch however in separate releases made available on its news platform disagrees while stating  that the health facility in Edo has no record of death of any corona virus patient(s) .

"ARD UBTH has been closely following up on 2 suspected cases of COVID-19 currently in the Isolation ward in UBTH. 

"Both patients were moved to the isolation ward yesterday 31/03/19, based on suspicion of COVID-19 

"Samples were sent for PCR at The Irrua Specialist Teaching Hospital same day.They were both being managed for medical illnesses; Chronic Kidney Disease and Bronchopnuemonia.

"The patient with Chronic Kidney Disease unfortunately died this morning while the other is still receiving care.

"Both results have returned negative for COVID-19.

"We wishes to reassure members that as of today there are no confirmed cases of COVID-19 being managed anywhere in UBTH." ARD UBTH branch said.
Another update posted on ARD UBTH news platform however contradicted the position of the doctors as it stated that , "It has been brought to our notice with great dismay that the earlier results of the two suspected COVID -19 cases  previously declared negative have turned out to be positive after further tests."

"Whilst the ARD UBTH cannot fully ascertain at this time what may have led to this, it has become imperative at this point to inform our members on the sudden turn of events.

"We expect management to issue a statement on the way forward, as this cuts across all members of Staff that have been involved in Management of these Patients. 

"We have been informed by the Infectious disease team that new samples (from the patient that is still alive) have been taken and sent out for further investigation.

"Furthermore, we implore  our members to remain calm as always, go about their normal duties and to continue to maintain high index of suspicion and ensure standard precautions for All Patients.

Allaying the fears of the health workers at the University of Benin Teaching Hospital (UBTH), over the suspected covid-19 cases in the facility, the UBTH management said it received conflicting results on the COVID-19 status of two of its patients.

Chief Medical Director (UBTH),Prof  Darlington Obaseki said in a statement that another sample has been collected for confirmation.

He said that, "while we await this result, the patient has been moved to the Isolation Ward for continued management. 

"Contact tracing has been commenced for all staff who had direct contact with the patient.

"Terminal disinfection has been mandated for all places the patient was managed.

"The patient has continued to improve clinically, vital signs remain stable and his SPO2 has ranged between 92-94%.

"Management enjoins everyone to remain calm and continue to observe the necessary standard precautions.

"Please continue to comply with all prior advisories issued by management. These will be regularly updated as needed." he said.

It would be recalled that Nigeria’s National Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) on Friday night confirmed the death of two patients of coronavirus in the country, one of which is said to be from Edo state.

 Meanwhile the management of the University of Benin Teaching Hospital UBTH has put in place incentives for the Frontline staff in the management of COVID-19 with the engagement of "an insurance company to activate an insurance policy for all Staff involved."
 The policy, according to UBTH's  CMD, Prof Dallinton Obaseki, "is expected to cover Life Insurance with payment of N5million to dependents in the event of natural death or accidental death."
Similarly, Critical illness or permanent disability will    attract the  payment of N5million to affected staff, while
 Temporary disability attracts the sum of N250,000, and Medical reimbursement will be N500,000

The  CMD further said "this policy is for all frontline staff involved in the management of COVID 19 patients. The insurance policy  "is outside the payment of daily allowance for feeding and transportation being worked out. 
(With additional report sourced.)
